Renewal and first engagements in the Society

Source: St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary

Annually on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, priests and seminarians of the Society of St. Pius X renew their engagements as members of the Society. At the Seminary, this is done in a public ceremony during the Solemn High Mass. This year, seven seminarians became new members, and two Seminary professors, Fr. Wood and Fr. Themann, together with several of their confreres from the United States District, made their perpetual engagements at the Seminary. As the text of the ceremony indicates, they were “eager to solemnly pronounce their oblation in the sight of God and Our Lord Jesus Christ—and His most amiable Mother and the Angels and all the Elect—in the face of the Holy Roman Church, and in the bosom of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X.” May the Society, under the patronage of the Immaculata, grow in numbers and in sanctity for the restoration of the social reign of Christ.