April 2022 - Consecration of Russia

An Interview with His Excellency Msgr. Bernard Fellay regarding the recent Consecration of Russia.

April 8, 2022.

The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dear Friends and Benefactors,

On this feast of Our Lady, we will have 2 new sub-deacons and 21 men receive minor orders. Priestly ordinations will be held on June 17 at which 6 men will be ordained to the priesthood and 2 be ordained to the diaconate. Please keep all of them in your prayers. As the world becomes more godless, the urgency for more men of God is all the more. It is our hope that many of you will be able to attend to encourage them as they are sent forth to the harvest.

The feast of the Annunciation this year brought the great gift of the consecration of Russia by the Pope in union with bishops, priests, and faithful throughout the world. At the Seminary, we were blessed to have His Excellency, Msgr. Fellay lead our seminary community in this consecration. Preceding the consecration, His Excellency graciously offered an interview elaborating on the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the consecration of Russia. The text is provided below.

May God grant you a beautiful Pasch in reward for keeping His Passion close to your heart during this holy season of Lent.


In Christo Sacerdote et Maria,

Fr. Yves le Roux



Interview with His Excellency Msgr. Bernard Fellay

What are your thoughts on today’s consecration of Russia and the Ukraine by the Holy Father?

There were several consecrations which didn’t meet the simple requirements. So, this time there is an extension to consecrate humanity, okay. But, Russia is named. Ukraine doesn’t bother me so much because in history Ukraine is the start of Russia, what we call “Rus” that was there, so it was a part of Russia. The Blessed Virgin Mary asked the Pope and the bishops, so it’s for him to do it, not us, we don’t want to take his place. We certainly want to fully unite to the intentions of the Blessed Virgin Mary and as far as the Holy Father is following them, thank God. Yet, the text is so poor that Menzingen has prepared another text. We were not invited as the other bishops were, but, we do unite. That’s why we rejoice because it seems it is the first time that we get so close to what the Blessed Virgin Mary asked.


What is the role of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the church and world today, especially in light of the consecration?

The Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima explains, “My Son wants to introduce the devotion to my Immaculate Heart;” that’s Fatima, and that’s the key to everything, to all historical happenings.

Then, even there, you have this episode in the global plan of God, you have this history of Russia and there the Blessed Virgin Mary again says that she wants this country to be consecrated to her, but this consecration, you have two sides. One side is the Pope, which is the head of the church, must dedicate this country to her. That's the first part. The second part is, “if the world does not convert;” now, you enter this problem of sin, which is also linked to the Immaculate Heart.  This world is sinning, offending God again and again and again. And God is offering the world a means of salvation, a means to get out of sin… and this time it is the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

If the world does not convert, so says Mary, there will be another war. Linked to that she says that God has entrusted to her the peace of nations, it has been put in her hands; if we want peace, we have to go to her. But, we have also to behave properly towards God. She’s the one who announces the end of World War I. She’s the one that announces that there will be a second war. The dates of the end of these wars are Marian dates. It’s very clear, she’s the queen and she has in the name of God, in her hands, the peace of this world. So to consecrate to her in this perspective is good, she asked for that. But, just to say we don’t want war and so on…you don’t want war, don’t sin! That’s what needs to be said to this world. Convert! Stop sinning, then we’ll have peace… and go to the Immaculate Heart. In the whole consecration, there is no mention of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, only at that very moment that we consecrate it to the Immaculate Heart. In the whole text of two pages, there is nothing more about the Immaculate Heart, nothing about sin. Yet, we have for years and years asked for this, begged God for this consecration to happen. Thus, we rejoice, we do rejoice, with our whole heart we unite ourselves to this act of consecration. The promise is not directly in the message of the pope’s text: Russia will convert. And convert means convert, it means to be catholic. Also, peace will be given to the church.

We see the situation in the church today, we still wonder how will this happen and we don’t have the answer, but we know everything is in God's hands. Will we have to go through, after this consecration, have to go through a bad time before the Triumph? I don’t exclude it, but she has promised. And we see that every time the popes have done something, even if it is not perfect, there was an answer from Heaven. Every time something good happens.


Is it to be expected that the Triumph will be immediate?

I wish I could say yes, but it is in God's hands, in God's mercy. But, it would be an incredible mercy if God would spare the world what we have deserved. Maybe yes. But the souls must turn back to God. And when we see, especially in the west which is now worse than the east…they have turned away from God.


Our Lord has said that He wants it clear that the conversion of Russia is through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Do you believe we will see this link from this consecration?

Absolutely, and so there will be a link, there must be a link. So, it is certain that, let's hope that this is the right one… this consecration. But if it is, the link will be obvious between the effects. It must be, because with the effects, people will turn to Mary.  It is not certain that this is the right one, but if it is there must be the effects. Still to speak about the future, we cannot play the prophet because the future is really in God's hands. God loves sometimes the hard times, because out of them he will take something good. We have a lot of these examples. If we look at the Story of Joseph, who was sold by his brothers, but thanks to this Joseph saved the whole tribe of Israel. Things like that we don’t understand when it happens, only later on, we say “oh yes, now I see”.

We must put our great, great trust in God. We have to take side on the side of heaven, of the Immaculate Heart.