Seven new priests, schedule of public Masses

Source: St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary

A schedule of public Masses to be offered by our newly ordained priests within the United States District is made available.

On Friday, June 3rd, nine seminarians will be ordained to the diaconate and seven will be ordained to the priesthood. The first Masses of the newly ordained priests will take place the following day, Saturday, June 4th.

On Sunday, June 5th, the newly ordained Fr. Haenny will be the celebrant of the Solemn High Mass in the Ordinations Tent at 8:30 AM.

Fr. Dwyer June 12th

June 19th
Sts. Peter and Paul Church - Albuquerque, NM

Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery - Silver City, NM
Fr. Franks June 12th

June 18th
St. Pius V Church - Mukwonago, WI

St. Therese's Church - Nicholville, NY
Fr. Haenny June 5th

June 12th

June 26th
St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary - Winona, MN

Our Lady Immaculate Church - Oak Park, IL

Our Lady of the Assumption Church - Walton, KY
Fr. Hennick June 5th

June 12th
St. Pius V Church - Mukwonago, WI

Immaculate Conception Church - Post Falls, ID
Fr. Kimball June 11th

June 19th
La Salette Academy - Olivet, IL

Blessed Virgin Mary Academy - Warners, NY
Fr. Palmquist June 12th St. Anthony of Padua Church - Mt. Holly, NC
Fr. Trummer June 19th

June 26th
St. Therese's Church - Nicholville, NY

St. Catherine of Siena Chapel - Boston, MA

For further information regarding these public Masses, please call the indicated chapel in advance to confirm dates and Mass times.

Attached is the official ordinations announcement and invitation which subscribers to the rector's monthly newsletter receive in the mail.

Please remember to participate in our novena to the Holy Ghost while our seminarians are on retreat preparing for their final steps towards the priesthood.